
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. H. Arnaud1966The scientific publications of Axel Leonard Melander (1878-1962), with a list of names proposed
J. B. Beavers, McGovern, T. P., Beroza, M., Sutton, R. A.1972Synthetic attractants for some dipteran species
I. Brake2009The type material of Milichiidae and Carnidae (Insecta: Diptera: Schizophora) in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
S. L. Campos, Pena G. L. E.1973Los insectos de isla de Pascua (Resultados de une prospeccion entomologica)
J. C. Deeming1998Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) from the Arabian Peninsula
M. Deyrup, Deyrup L.2012The diversity of insects visiting flowers of Saw Palmetto (Arecaceae)
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S. W. Frost1969Supplement to Florida insects taken in light traps
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A. Heiduk, Brake, I., von Tschirnhaus, M., Haenni, J. P., Miller, R., Hash, J., Prieto-Benítez, S., Jürgens, A., Johnson, S. D., Schulz, S., Liede-Schumann, S., Meve, U., Dötterl, S.2017Floral scent and pollinators of Ceropegia trap flowers
F. Hendel1931Neue ägyptische Dipteren aus der Gruppe der acalyptraten Musciden, gesammelt von Prof. Efflatoun Bey
F. Hendel1913H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Acalyptrate Musciden (Dipt.) II
F. Hendel1911Über von Prof. J. M. Aldrich erhaltene und einige andere amerikanische Dipteren
W. Hennig1941Verzeichnis der Dipteren von Formosa
W. Hennig1939Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Kopulationsapparates und der Systematik der Acalyptraten. II. Tethinidae, Milichiidae, Anthomyzidae und Opomyzidae
C. W. Johnson1930A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts
C. W. Johnson1925Fauna of New England. 15. List of the Diptera or two-winged flies
C. W. Johnson1910Diptera of New Jersey
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C. G. Lamb1914The Percy Sladen Trust expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M. A. Vol. 5. No XV
G. D. Landau, Gaylor M. J.1987Observations on commensal Diptera (Milichiidae and Chloropidae) associated with spiders in Alabama
D. Lee, Crust, M., Sabrosky, C. W.1956The Australasian Diptera of J. R. Malloch
J. R. Malloch1914Formosan Agromyzidae
J. R. Malloch1913A synopsis of the genera of Agromyzidae, with descriptions of new genera and species
D. K. McAlpine2011Observations on antennal morphology in Diptera, with particular reference to the articular surfaces between segments 2 and 3 in the Cyclorrhapha
J. C. H. de Meijere1918Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. XIV
J. C. H. de Meijere1914Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren. IX
A. L. Melander1913A Synopsis of the dipterous groups Agromyzidae, Milichiidae, Ochthiphilinae and Geomyzinae
J. Ollerton, Masinde, P. S., Meve, U., Picker, M., Whittington, A.2009Fly pollination in Ceropegia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae): biogeographic and phylogenetic perspectives
L. Papp197872. család: Milichiidae + Carnidae
L. Papp, Merz, B., Foldvari, M.2006Diptera of Thailand. A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations
D. E. Perez-Gelabert2008Arthropods of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti): a checklist and bibliography
J. A. Rafael1991Insects collected during the Maraca Project, Roraim, Brazil: with complementary list
J. Rohacek, Gregor F.1984Nové nebo faunisticky zajímaví nálazy druhu celedi Milichiidae a Carnidae (Diptera) z Ceskoslovenska
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C. W. Sabrosky1958East African Milichiidae (Diptera). (Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zoologischen Ostafrika-Expedition 1951/52, Gruppe Lindner - Stuttgart, Nr. 32)
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J. Sivinski1985Mating by kleptoparasitic flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) on a spider host
A. A. Stackelberg1958Acalyptrata, part 1
A. H. Sturtevant1926The seminal receptacles and accessory glands of the Diptera, with special reference to the Acalypterae. [Part. 2]
A. H. Sturtevant1925The seminal receptacles and accessory glands of the Diptera, with special reference to the Acalypterae. [Part 1]
E. Séguy1933Contributions à l'étude de la faune du Mozambique. Voyage de M.M. Lesne (1928-1929) 13e note. - Diptères (2e partie)
M. Carles-Tolrá2001Nuevos datos sobre dípteros iberobaleares (Díptera: Orthorrhapha y Cyclorrhapha)
S. W. Williston1896On the diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies)
H. Wolda, Sabrosky C. W.1986Insect visitors to two forms of _Aristolochia pilosa_ in Las Cumbres, Panama
R. E. Woodruff, Beck, B. M., Skelley, P. E., Schotmann, C. Y. L., Thomas, M. C.1998Checklist and bibliography of the insects of Grenada and The Grenadines
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith