
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
F. R. Cole1969Milichiidae
J. E. Collin1911Additions and corrections to the British list of Muscidae Acalyptratae
C. H. Curran1934Family Phyllomyzidae
L. Czerny, Strobl P. G.1909Spanische Dipteren. III. Beitrag
R. Danielsson2011Diptera: Milichiidae present in the Entomological Museum of Lund University
E. P. Felt, Chamberlain K. F.1935The occurrence of insects at some height in the air, especially on the roofs of high buildings
R. Frey1958Zur Kenntnis der Diptera brachycera pp. der Kapverdischen Inseln
R. Frey1941Enumeratio insectorum fenniae
W. Hackman1980A check list of the Finnish Diptera. II. Cyclorrhapha
F. Hendel1913H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Acalyptrate Musciden (Dipt.) II
W. Hennig1941Verzeichnis der Dipteren von Formosa
O. A. Johannsen1928Order Diptera
C. W. Johnson1930A list of the insects fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts
C. W. Johnson1925Fauna of New England. 15. List of the Diptera or two-winged flies
C. W. Johnson1910Diptera of New Jersey
H. Kramer1921Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lausitzer Dipteren
O. Kröber1935Dipterenfauna von Schleswig-Holstein und den benachbarten westlichen Nordseegebieten
D. Lee, Crust, M., Sabrosky, C. W.1956The Australasian Diptera of J. R. Malloch
P. Lioy1863I ditteri distribuiti secondo un nuovo metodo di classificazione naturale
J. Rohacek1987Second supplement to the acalyptrate Diptera fauna (Pseudopomyzidae, Strongylophthalmyiidae, Chamaemyiidae, Chyromyidae, Anthomyzidae, Aulacigastridae, Periscelididae, Carnidae, Milichiidae) of Czechoslovakia
C. R. Osten Sacken1878Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. [Ed.2]
J. R. Schiner1864Die Fliegen (Diptera). II. Theil
A. A. Stackelberg1958Acalyptrata, part 1
P. G. Strobl1900Dipterenfauna von Bosnien, Hercegovina und Dalmatien
P. G. Strobl1898Fauna Ditera Bosne, Hercegovine i Dalmatije. [In Serbo-Croatian]
E. S. Tucker1907Some results of desultory collecting of insects in Kansas and Colorado
E. S. Tucker1906Contributions towards a catalogue of the insects of Kansas
G. H. Verrall1888A list of British Diptera. I-III
E. Wahlgren192725. Fam. Sprickflugor. Milichiidae
J. W. Zetterstedt1860Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith